Monday, July 25, 2016

Roland Topor - Dessins

It took me a long time, but eventually I bought a book of the French surrealistic author, illustrator, scenarist, poet, and painter Roland Topor (1938-1997).

He is mainly known as an illustrator and graphic artist and famous for combining surrealism with black humor. His unique world is full of absurd and impossible situations, rather than creepy and non-sense.

The book title is Dessins (which means drawings) and was published by Albin Michel in 1968. If you look on online auction sites, you'll notice that relatively high prices are asked for books of Topor.

"Humour noir" is not my favourite style but of course of value in a collection. His drawings are quite strange and at first sight uncomprehendible (even at second sight).

In the clip below you can discover more drawings...

Learn more:
More drawings on Kunst Kabinett

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