Monday, January 15, 2018

RIP Avoine (1939 - 2017 )

Recently Jean-Marie mailed me the sad news that the great French cartoonist Avoine (Paul Audin) passed away 28 December. Once again, one of the famous Humouristes Associés disappeared.
Les Humouristes Associés , abbreviated HA!  is a collective of French cartoonists who published in self-publishing several collections of comic drawings in the 1980s.

Jean-Marie was so kind to send me information and cartoons to illustrate the nice humor of Avoine, so I could translate it into this article.

This first cartoon was published in the No. 1 of  A Suivre (To be followed) in February 1978, a magazine to which he collaborated until 1985:

Cover over his first album "Faites-moi rire, je pars dans quatre minutes" (Let me laugh, I'm leaving in four minutes). A self-published book distributed by "B Diffusion, undated, published in 1981. 96 pp. under hard cover:

 Hereunder 2 cartoons from this album:

Two drawings published in the anthology "Les traits du vin" published in 1996 by "Les Compagnons de la Ficelle" in Saint-Pourçain :

A drawing published in the album "La Fanfare" that he jointly made with Bridenne and Jy, two of his colleagues of the Humoristes Associés:

An advertising realization which unfortunately we do not know the date of publication:
(Dental ABC)

Picture by JMB (2006) showing, de left to right: Avoine, Bridenne, Barbe and Loup:

In the press, Avoine also collaborated on: Minute (his first press drawings in 1962), Paris-Match, Elle, Marie Claire, Marie-France, Le Nouvel Observateur, Gault et Millau, Le Nouvel Économiste, Libération, Lui, Lire, La Recherche, Pomme d’Api, Okapi, Le Point, L'Express, Réalités, Le Figaro, L’Expansion, Le Monde de la musique, Phosphore, Le Monde Dimanche, Vingt ans, L'Équipe magazine, Télérama, Siné Hebdo, Bakchich Hebdo.

He illustrated with 800 (!) drawings the 1979 edition of the Larousse dictionary.

Learn more:
Obituary in Le Figaro.